石碁镇 · 民营公司 · 少于50人
TurboSonic is a leading designer and manufacturer of high quality professional loudspeakers. The company, founded in Guangzhou of China, has rapidly obtained a prestigious image in the professional speaker field. Our mission: satisfying customers’ needs, organizational and production flexibility, continuous aim towards research and innovation. To achieve this difficult target, we are constantly challenging ourselves. TurboSonic has a complete line of professional transducers for the most critical professional people. In TurboSonic, Every driver is designed through using latest CAD, 3D and FEA modeling techniques. Every electro-acoustic and mechanical performance is simulated and then carefully engineered by a team of engineers who have years of experience in the design and manufacture of power speakers. As already mentioned above, our company’s growth is the result of an ongoing commitment to achieve complete understanding of client requirements. Design, manufacturing and product quality control systems are all proactively geared towards Customer Satisfaction. The company’s mission is to ensure that the five basic features of TurboSonic products are met: Innovation, Technology, Quality, Service and Competitiveness. Our resolve has never changed. As TurboSonic Team, we are proud to make our contribution in raising your product performances to a higher level.

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时间 8:30~18:00

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